Bilet Privet



F.P.G (Fair Play Gang) is an integral part of the Russian punk rock scene and offers its fans a unique musical experience. Since its founding in 1998 in Nizhny Novgorod, F.P.G has won the hearts of thousands of listeners with its energetic and cheerful music.

The idea of creating a group and the name F.P.G. belong to the talented frontman Anton “Pooh” Pavlova. The band's debut album was recorded in the summer of 1999 and became a significant event in the history of the band. Inspired by his early creative periods, Pooh created most of the material for this album back in 1993-1994. 

F.P.G does not stop there and continues to progress. The group's second album, recorded in the winter of 2000-2001, demonstrated their creative diversity and included both punk rock compositions and cover versions of famous songs. This is a rare case when a group combines different styles and skillfully mixes them in one album. 

For your convenience, we offer to buy tickets online on our website. It's easy, fast and simple. Become part of a unique musical event created by the group F.P.G.