Bilet Privet

Shpagin plant in Perm


The Shpagin plant, located in the valley of the Yegoshikha River on the territory of the Perm locomotive repair plant "Remputmash", is an attractive and modern cultural and recreational space. In the coming years, it is planned to open a local history museum, an art gallery, a small theater hall, a space for creative industries, a multi-genre space and the theater "At the Bridge".

The Remputmash plant, founded in 1878 to repair steam locomotives, has successfully developed over many years. He expanded his activities and developed new areas, including repair of track equipment and railcars.

Today, various cultural events and festivals are held on the territory of the plant. Over the past two years, festivals of street culture, Prikamskaya cuisine, Diaghilevsky, the festival of electronic music and visual arts efest, the Prosvet light festival, the international street cinema festival, as well as landscape, creative and literary festivals have already taken place here.

In addition, exhibitions, open-air concerts and performances are organized at the plant site. The schedule of all events and posters can be easily found on our website. Here you can order and issue tickets online quickly and easily.

Being a new cultural and recreational space, the Shpagin Factory offers a unique opportunity to get acquainted with the history and culture of Perm, enjoy art exhibitions and performances. A place that combines historical value and modernity, every visitor will remember it for its atmosphere and variety of events.

