Bilet Privet

ADK Arcadia in Astrakhan




Surganova and Orchestra

AstrakhanADK Arcadia

7Thu, 19:00Nov



"The Astrakhan Palace of Culture "Arcadia" traces its history back to the century before last, when in 1899 its building was erected at the expense of merchant II guild Konstantin Alexandrovich Polyakovich. Then it was the Arcadia Garden, located in the very center of the city. The name refers to the history of ancient Greece, where Arcadia was called the area in the central part of the Peloponnese. The authorship of the project belongs to the famous architect of those times Malakhovsky. With the advent of Soviet power, the garden was nationalized and renamed the Karl Marx Summer Garden. Unfortunately, by the mid-1970s, the building had almost fallen into disrepair and required extensive repairs. However, the problem was solved in a non–trivial way - the magnificent wooden building in the past burned down on the evening of November 13, 1976.

Only many years later, in 1987, the "Summer Touring Theater" was built on this site. And so, having experienced many shocks and reconstructions in its lifetime, in 1998 this location regained its historical name – "Arcadia". Also, after some time, the historical purpose and the status of the Central City Park of Culture and Recreation returned. Today, the park began to unite the theater building under the general name "Astrakhan Palace of Culture "Arcadia". This, of course, attracted even more attention to this place and made it one of the most favorite places to spend time, both among the residents of the city and its guests.