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On December 19, the Korean hip-hop star BLOO will perform at the Aurora Concert Hall (Saint Petersburg).
He will be stepping onto the Russian stage for the first time, preparing to perform his most striking hits and present new songs. BLOO, or Kim Hyun-woon, is an artist of the MKIT RAIN label who is successfully developing a solo career. He grew up in the USA, but his Korean roots have always remained an important part of his work. Underground hip-hop influences inspired him to create music. This is how his hits "Downtown baby", "So Rude", "Pick up the phone", "Drive Thru", "Girl in New York" were born, which we will soon hear in Saint Petersburg!
Bloo returned to his native Korea in 2015, and his songs immediately became popular. He just does what interests him, and the result is pretty good. He already has 3 studio albums, 3 mini-albums, more than a dozen digital singles, as well as joint projects with Nafla, 24 Flakko, LyLy, Rtee, Queen WA$ABII. Tickets to the BLOO concert - a chance to hear old and new works of the Korean rapper performed live.
Bloo's compositions are the best reflection of dark aesthetics, depressiveness, light sadness that does not oppress, but fascinates. His songs and videos attract millions of fans around the world, where Blu finds his followers and receives enthusiastic responses.
The rapper's concert will be held at the Aurora Concert Hall club in the Northern capital. Here, guests will be able to choose a convenient format of accommodation: to be on the dance floor, choose comfortable seats or tables, or comfortable VIP boxes.
Buy tickets for the BLOO concert
You can buy tickets for the BLOO concert on our website. You can place an order at any time by indicating your contact information and the number of tickets you would like to book. You can pay for invitations using a bank card. The paid tickets will be sent to you by e-mail within a few seconds.
Вопросы и ответы
Концерт BLOO состоится 18 декабря 2024 года в Санкт-Петербурге в Aurora Concert Hall. Это одно из самых ожидаемых событий зимы, где поклонники смогут услышать живое исполнение любимых песен и насладиться уникальным шоу в самом центре города.
Для покупки билетов на концерт BLOO 18 декабря 2024 года в Aurora Concert Hall посетите наш сайт. Определитесь с местами, совершите оплату и получите электронные билеты, которые можно будет использовать на входе.
Цены на билеты отличаются в зависимости от местоположения в зале. Вы сможете выбрать билеты в разных ценовых диапазонах — от эконом до премиум. Узнайте текущие цены и доступные варианты на нашем сайте.
Да, электронные билеты принимаются для входа на концерт BLOO в Санкт-Петербурге 18 декабря 2024 года. После покупки билет будет отправлен на вашу почту, и вы сможете предъявить его как на телефоне, так и в распечатанном виде при входе в Aurora Concert Hall.
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