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Билеты на концерт Echoes of Eorzea: A Decade of Final Fantasy XIV in Symphony в Эр Рияде, Princess Nourah Bint Abdul Rahman University

Princess Nourah Bint Abdul Rahman University29 нояб. 202419:00Оркестр12+

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О мероприятии

The Echoes of Eorzea: A Decade of Final Fantasy XIV in Symphony Concert at Princess Nourah University promises to be an unforgettable experience for all fans of the legendary game series. Organized by Qiddiya Gaming, this two-day symphony concert invites guests to immerse themselves in the world of the iconic FINAL FANTASY XIV soundtrack and other beloved tracks from the series. Accompanied by the world-renowned Tokyo Philharmonic Orchestra, over 100 musicians from Japan, including a captivating choir and two powerful vocalists, will bring to life a decade of unforgettable music.

The stage will feature iconic pieces from FINAL FANTASY XIV: A Realm Reborn™ and all expansions leading up to Endwalker™, as well as acclaimed compositions from across the FINAL FANTASY series. The theatrical production, complete with synchronized visuals, will transport viewers to the heart of the game universe, bringing epic battles, emotional encounters, and breathtaking landscapes to life.

Special attention will be paid to the achievements of FINAL FANTASY XIV producer and director Naoki Yoshida and renowned sound director and composer Masayoshi Soken. Fans will be able to purchase exclusive Tokyo merchandise in a special shopping area to commemorate this amazing event.

Don't miss your chance to be a part of this great event. Buy tickets on our website and immerse yourself in the magic of FINAL FANTASY XIV, feel the power of music and get to know the creators of this beloved game. Buy tickets on our website and enter a new era of musical experiences!

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